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Practical Tips to Achieve Data Complianc

For every organisation, data compliance is crucial for seamless data management. But what actually is data compliance? Well, data compliance is more than following relevant standards and regulations and ensuring business data security.  It's a must for enterprises to manage a substantial amount of business data properly. Moreover, they should govern all data access, modification, usage, and storage phases with correct policies, protocols, and standards.    With the rising level of cyber-attacks and their complexity, you should deploy suitable security practices and supervision through data compliance solutions . Let's dig in to explore the practical tips to achieve data compliance.   Know Your Company's Data and the Required Compliance   The first step is understanding the kind of data your company handles and how it's collected, processed, and used. The type of business data will help you determine the standards and laws your company must follow to ensure data is secur
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5 Common Challenges in DevOps Testing

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, DevOps has emerged as a groundbreaking methodology to bridge the gap between code creation and deployment.  Presenting an amalgamation of "development" and "operations," DevOps has revolutionised how software is built, tested, and delivered. DevOps focuses on collaboration, efficiency, and continuous improvement. However, to retain the quality and functioning of software products, DevOps testing needs to be prioritised using the right test data management solutions . DevOps testing ensures that every piece of code that makes its way through the development pipeline is functional, secure, and reliable.  While DevOps offers a seamless approach to software development, it involves certain challenges, especially during testing. In this blog, we'll talk about DevOps testing challenges and recommendations to address them.  Let's get started!  What are the common challenges in DevOps Testing? Lack of testing s

Redefining Test Data Excellence: The Integration of Modern Databases and DevOps Practices

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking ways to improve their agility, accelerate time-to-market, and deliver high-quality software solutions.  One crucial aspect of achieving these goals is managing test data effectively. Test data plays a vital role in software testing, enabling organisations to validate the functionality, performance, and security of their applications.  However, the process of provisioning, managing, and maintaining test data can be complex, time-consuming, and error-prone. The Combined Power of Modern Databases and DevOps Platform  Fortunately, the convergence of modern databases and DevOps services and solutions has given rise to a powerful solution: the modern DevOps data platform.  This innovative approach combines the scalability, flexibility, and automation capabilities of modern databases with the efficiency, compliance, and resilience of DevOps practices.   In this blog post, we'll explore how a modern database me